Business Sponsorship Tiers 2024-2025


 Silver Level - $100-$299

  • Business name on a shared poster at the event
  • Business name on a shared social media shoutout
  • Business name on a shared slideshow page during the event (if A/V available)
  • Business name on the event page on the PTO website

 Gold Level - $300-$499

  • All benefits listed under silver level 
  • Opportunity to set up a promotional table at our event

 Platinum Level - $500-$999

  • Business name on shared poster at the event
  • Business name on individual social media shoutout
  • Business name on individual slideshow page during event (if A/V available)
  • Business name on the event page on the PTO website
  • Business name on the homepage of the PTO website for one month
  • Opportunity to set up a promotional table at our event 

 DIAMOND Level - $1000+

  • All benefits listed under platinum level
  • Official sponsor!
  • Shoutout in the PTO newsletter following the event 
  • Business name on the homepage of the PTO website for semester
  • Business name attached to our event in all written and spoken communication (E.g.. Trivia Night Fundraiser sponsored by ” insert business name here”)