What is INVEST?
INVEST is a simple way for families and corporations to give tax deductible donations to the WSE PTO with 100% of the funds staying at WSE.
This is WSE PTO's primary fundraiser and eliminates the need for students to sell things like wrapping paper, magazines, and chocolate bars.
INVEST donations have provided over $90,000 in teacher grants at WSE since our doors opened in 2017 - including STEM resources, grade level curriculum updates, classroom enhancements, and so much more!
Anyone can donate, so check into corporate matching options.
Without your generous donations, none of this would be possible. Every dollar makes a difference for our school and for our children!
Donate today!
Funding From INVEST Donations Has Helped Provide:
First grade teacher, Ms. Dolsky, applied for a grant to have the KC Mobile Zoo visit. In November 2024, thanks to the PTO funded grant, all of our first grade classes got the chance to get up close and personal with zoo animals and learn from some very talented zookeepers!
WSE's new Gaga Ball Pit! PTO approved coach Wade's Grant Application of $4,000 in May 2023 and the gaga pit was installed November 2023. Our kids are loving having another way to play and get their bodies moving during recess and PE!
Front facing shelves have been added batch by batch to the WSE library with the help of PTO grants. Ms. Vining shared, "I wanted to share photos of the effect the front facing shelves have had. Having books front facing is the best way for young students to browse. It enables them to explore the library collection easily and independently."
- Art center materials
- Author visits
- Broadcast resources
- Chinese books for library
- Classroom enhancements
- Coding tutorials
- Conflict management tools
- Conscious Discipline training
- Counselor's hug fund
- Critical thinking resources
- Curriculum enhancements
- Foam paws for High Five Fridays
- Gaga pit
- Grade level music shows
- Grade level room transformations
- Individualized literacy & math toolkits
- iPad styluses
- Kindness squad
- Library tower garden supplies
- Makerspace
- Math & science curriculum supplies
- Math supply closet and materials
- New classroom start-up
- Phonics & literacy resources
- Physical education equipment
- Principal’s fund
- Progress monitoring license
- Project based learning supplies
- Reading specialist resources
- Recess kits for each classroom
- Sensory pathway
- Social emotional resources
- Soccer goals
- Spanish resources
- STEM resources & supplies
- Student centered library shelving
- Teacher trolley
- Technology subscriptions
- Whole school reading program
- WSE staff t-shirts