Wolf Springs Elementary PTO is excited to host 2024 Multicultural Festival at the school gymnasium and cafeteria on February 10th, 2024 12:00pm - 3:00pm. Join us for an unforgettable celebration of diversity and unity. Enjoy live performances featuring performers from around local KC representing a variety of cultures. Learn about different traditions and customs of the diverse cultures represented by our school families at culture booths. Try delicious food from around the world. This event promises to be a cultural kaleidoscope, fostering understanding, appreciation, and a sense of community among our students, families, and staff. RSVP today



We are actively seeking families who would like to share about their own cultures in the form of a "Culture Booth", walk down the aisle in our family fashion show, as well as general volunteers to help with set up, tear down, greeters, etc...


Volunteers needed to help with set up, tear down, and general helping out during the event.
Sign up and showcase your cultural heritage fashion for our multicultural festival, wear your best heritage outfit and walk the runway so people can admire the richness and beauty of your culture.
Families are welcome to present any artifacts, resources, or activities, language, music, games, clothing, food, arts, etc. The "booth" can also be a decorated backdrop wall where our WSE families can take fun photos with the culture you are representing.